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louis kahn中文是什么意思

用"louis kahn"造句"louis kahn"怎么读"louis kahn" in a sentence


  • 路易康


  • Louis kahn took the assignment and started to build the institute , a huge place
  • And then he took the architect louis kahn to the very edge of the cliff and said , " there is the canyon and over there is the ocean . stand here ! feel it
  • Von boehm : as louis kahn once said , “ a city is a place where a small boy , as he walks through it , may see something that will tell him what he wants to do his whole life
  • Through comparing the similarities and difference in architecture philosophy initiated by yang tingbao , liang sicheng , le corbusier and louis kahn , the article summarize that architecture philosophy carries the deep influence on the design practice
  • He then went to one of the greatest architects that time , louis kahn and brought him to la jolla and told him , " i want to build an institute here where doctors and scientists can come to study and explore the undiscovered to really create new insights into reality .
用"louis kahn"造句  
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